So here is the water steamer of my and Gas Heater.Also i bought a AROMA DIFFUSER as my sister JESSICA told me that the essential oil is also good for our health too.
The essential oils that i bought is Ylang Ylang,Sandal wood,Peppermint,Lavender and Jasmine.Hm...They really smell good! ..^^..
i love my AROMA DIFFUSER coz it look really cute with the illumination lights on it and this really makes me feel nice and relax and also make my place smell lovely. ..^^..

hey kacang, I want to go ur hse tumpang breath in the fresh air leh...hi hi hi.
wah...very health conscious huh..
Adoi..adoi..dunt tempt me la..can't wait to go your place to buy one too...
first time seeing it comes illuminated. and thanks for the tip for it during winter :)
Hello Kacang,
I'm glad you get your water steamer & the diffuser. Do enjoy other essential oils because there are lots of them in the shop. Just be careful that it is not fragrant or perfume oil. Must be 100% pure essential oil or else it will be useless. Enjoy and be happy. Luv you heaps.
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