

This is the culture in japan that they need to do the decoration for the little girls & boys in the year of MARCH & MAY.For the girls are on the MARCH the 3th,it`s call the (HINANINGYO 雛人形)or the (HINAMATSURI).As i did post up before at here,you can go scoll down & look for it in my old post.And here is the decoration for the boys on MAY the 5th.It`s call the ( GOGATSU NINGYO 5月人形) for the doll & the ( KOINOBORI こいのぼり)for the fishs.you can see the fishs outside their house before MAY coz the fishs represent to let people know that their house got boys.And the doll is represented the strongest son that they have in the house .You can see the pics of the doll it`s look like the warriors (SHOGUN),This kind of dolls is quite expensive here & is also a gift from the grand-parents to their first grand-son in the family.so how do you think of the culture here? Too complicated?Hahaaa...