These are the japanese OHINA-SAN

.it was a gift from the grandmother to their first granddaughter,the OHINA-SAN is represent a god to take good care for the child till they become adult,the OHINA-SAN is only for the girls,so the japanese ppl will decorated the OHINA-SAN on every year in MARCH the 3RD.(3/3).It was quite expensive but it take lots of space to decorated it coz it`s BIG!!!Problem!Hahaaa...
wah...look like chinese ang kong le...and they look like a big bo..hehe..
wow! that means will the collection get bigger and bigger?
If got small house how leh? So your children also have ka? That means next time you need to have and give to your grandchildren as well lor?
No,tau sar phneah,on top wan the dolls are the emperor & the empress & the down parts wan is their maids all,so it`s means the japanese god are the Emperor & the Empress lo!Hahaaa..after the god is them liao.
Hoon,the OHINA-SAN all are in fully set,so no need to do the collection liao,tht`s y it`s big,
Sue,ya,tht`s y got problem lah if the house r small,headache to find the space for it lah,Ya,you are right if i got my grandduaghter 1 day i must get for her 1 too,but i dunno i will do tht or not as you now tht i`m not japanese...maybe i will be kedukut to spend like this money lah!hahaaaa....
wah... the dolls very nice... when i look at the price... make me shock ler... so expensive to display for one time only... "sim thia" (heart pain)lor...
My mil sent us one set too when Yoyo was 1 year old, i was surprise and thankful, in fact it took a big place to keep them bcs they came in many big and small boxes, and they are delicate T-T
i love the dolls... but i always wonder why some people like to use the dolls in horror movies?
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