

A Roman Catholic priest was about to finish his tour of duty, and was leaving his Mission in the jungles in the Philippines where he had spent years teaching the natives, when he realized that the one thing he never taught them was how to speak English. So he took the chief for a walk in the forest in Mindanao. He pointed to a tree and said to the chief, "This is a tree." The chief looked at the tree and grunted, "Tree." The Priest was pleased with the response.They walked a little further and he pointed to a rock and said, "This is a rock." Hearing this, the chief looked and grunted, "Rock." The Priest was really getting enthusiastic about the results when he heard a rustling in the bushes. As they peeked over the top, he saw a couple of natives in the midst of heavy sexual activity. The Priest was really flustered and quickly responded, "Man riding a bike." The chief looked at the couple briefly, pulled out his blowgun and killed them! The Priest went ballistic and yelled at the chief that he had spent years teaching the tribe how to be civilized and be kind to each other, so how could he kill these people in cold blood that way? The chief replied, "My bike."ENJOY YOUR DAY and remember to keep off the roads when riding somebody else's bicycle.

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